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[Mathimatics-Numerical algorithmssomeccode

Description: 一些c程序,象棋之马踏棋盘、把算术表达式转化未逆波兰表达式、保龄球计分规则算法、可进行多达50位的大整数运算(+X)、铁路调度算法,演示了堆栈的基本用法-Some c procedures, horse riding chess board, the arithmetic expressions are not translated into Reverse Polish expression, bowling scoring rules algorithm, can be as many as 50 large integer calculations ( X), the railway scheduling algorithm, demonstrated the basic stack Usage
Platform: | Size: 4096 | Author: 站长 | Hits:

[Chess Poker games中国象棋源代码

Description: CChessUG 小组将在 MantisChess 的基础上开发一个高水准的中国象棋软件, 主要实现以下功能: 一、较高水平的人机对弈,实现外挂的人工智能插件。 二、Internet联网对弈。 三、棋谱管理功能。-CChessUG group will develop a high standard in the MantisChess foundation Chinese chess software below, mainly will realize the function: First, compares the high level the man-machine playing chess, the artificial intelligence plug-in unit which outside the realization hangs. Second, Internet networking playing chess. Third, chess manual management function.
Platform: | Size: 146432 | Author: 马文晓 | Hits:


Description: java实现的一个算法,主要功能是在n*n的棋盘上,马步遍历,从一个起始点开始,在遍历所有的棋盘后,看能否回到起始点。若有路径,则显示出来-java realize an algorithm, the main function in the n* n chessboard, horse traverse from a starting point for the beginning of the chessboard in the traversal of all, the ability to look back to the starting point. If the path is displayed
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: 莫海波 | Hits:

[Data structsHorseTravelDemo

Description: 一个解决国际象棋的马周游问题的算法.本程序使用改善后的回溯算法来加速问题的解决.-A solution to chess problems horse around algorithms. This procedure using the improved algorithm to accelerate back problem.
Platform: | Size: 46080 | Author: thmfire | Hits:

[Data structshorseriding

Description: Horse Riding.rar计算国际象棋马的行走路线-Horse Riding.rar Ma calculated chess routes
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: zx | Hits:


Description: 马踏棋盘的演示 -Horse riding horse riding demonstration chessboard chessboard demo
Platform: | Size: 15360 | Author: lq | Hits:

[Chess Poker gamesrute

Description: 在m行n列棋盘的S点处有一中国象棋马,给出棋盘上的另一点T,设T在S的右边(如下图所示)。规定马走日字且只能向右走,要从S走到T,马至少要走多少步?-In the m line n chessboard out of the S point has one Chinese chess horse, given chessboard another point T, located the right side of T in S (as in the figure below). Ma date the provisions of the word go and only go to the right, from S go T, Ma, at least the number of steps to go?
Platform: | Size: 220160 | Author: wu | Hits:

[Other Gameschess

Description: 使用java开发的马行线问题,实现方式各不不同 在半张中国象棋的棋盘上,一只马从左下角跳到右上角,只允许往右跳,不允许往左跳,问能有多少种跳步方案。(绝对原创)-Using java to develop horse line issue and realize the different ways in each half of Chinese chess chessboard, a horse jumping from the upper right corner of the lower-left corner, allowing only the right jump, jump to the left are not allowed to ask how many step-by-step program of dancing. (Absolute original)
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: 胡峰宇 | Hits:

[Chess Poker gamesknight

Description: 2、 写出6×6方阵的骑士周游的解。要求骑士的起跳位置是任意指定的。编制非递归程序,求出马的行走路线,并按求出的行走路线,将数字依次填入6×6的方阵中,并输出。 (骑士周游:从起始位置出发,按国际象棋马的走法,不重复地将所有区域恰好走一遍。) -2, write a 6 × 6 square Cavalier travel solution. Requirements of the take-off position Cavalier arbitrary specified. The preparation of non-recursive procedures, and run routes, and routes are obtained, will be followed by fill in the number of 6 × 6 square, and the output. (Cavalier tour: starting from the initial position, according to the international chess horse walk method, not all regions will be repeated just go again.)
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: yang | Hits:

[Chess Poker gamessy61

Description: 回朔算法,马的周游问题:在n x n棋盘(有n x n个格点的棋盘)的某个格点上有一个中国象棋马,马走日字。求一条周游棋盘的路径,使得马能够从起始位置起沿着该路径每个格点恰好走一次最后回到出发位置。-Retrospective algorithm, horse around the problem: in the checkerboard are like (there are like a checkerboard grid points) of a grid, there is a Chinese chess horse, horse go on the word. Seek a path around the board, making horse to starting from the initial position along the path happens to go for each grid point a final return to the starting position.
Platform: | Size: 3072 | Author: 00 | Hits:

[Embeded-SCM Developknight

Description: 马的Hamilton周游路线问题,8*8  的国际象棋棋盘上的一只马,恰好走过除起点外的其它63  个位置各一次,最后回 到起点。这条路线称为一条马的Hamilton  周游路线。对于给定的m*n  的国际象棋棋盘,m和n均为大于5  的偶数,且|m-n|≤2,该算法找出一条马的Hamilton周游路线。-Hamilton horse travel route problem, the 8* 8 chess board on a horse, just walked in addition to the starting point outside the other 63 locations of the first, and finally return to the starting point. This route is called a horse' s Hamilton traveled route. For a given m* n chess board, m and n are even greater than 5, and | mn | ≤ 2, the algorithm to find a horse Hamilton traveled route.
Platform: | Size: 3072 | Author: yxd | Hits:

[Data structshorse

Description: 跳马问题,输出象棋跳马的多种的可能性结果-Horse problem, the output of a wide range of chess possibility vault results
Platform: | Size: 6144 | Author: symm | Hits:


Description: 将马随即放在国际象棋的8×8棋盘Board[8][8]的某个方格中,马按走棋规则进行移动。要求每个方格只进入一次,走遍棋盘上全部64个方格。编制非递归程序,求出马的行走路线,并按求出的行走路线,将数字1,2,……,64依次填入一个8×8的方阵,输出之。 测试数据:由读者指定。可自行指定一个马的初始位置(i,j),0<=i,j<=7。 -Ma was on the chess board 8 × 8 of the Board [8] [8] of a box, the horse moves in accordance with the rules of the mobile. Requires each box to enter only once, all around the chessboard of 64 squares. The preparation of non-recursive procedures, and run routes, and routes are obtained, the number 1,2, ... ..., 64 followed by an 8 × 8 filled the square, the output of. Test data: designated by the readers. Self-designation of a horse' s initial position (i, j), 0 < = i, j < = 7.
Platform: | Size: 3072 | Author: 张斌 | Hits:


Description: this is a program to move horse in che-this is a program to move horse in chess
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: gladiator | Hits:

[Windows DevelopHorseMoveChessTable

Description: Produce all horse move in the chess table
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: mwmacleod | Hits:

[Windows Developmabianli

Description: 经典的国际象棋马遍历问题 从任意位子开始遍历整个棋盘 每个空格只准走过一次-Classic chess horse traversal problem From any seat began to traverse the entire board Come only once for each space
Platform: | Size: 452608 | Author: 邓长友 | Hits:


Description: 棋盘算法,在给定大小的方格状棋盘上, 将棋子”马”放在指定的起始位置 , 棋子”马” 的走子的规则为必须在棋盘上走”日”字 从棋子”马”的起始位置开始, 搜索出一条可行的路径, 使得棋子”马”能走遍棋盘上的所有落子点, 而且每个落子点只能走一次 -Checkerboard algorithm, given the size of the square-shaped board, will be a pawn of " horses" on the specified start position, the pieces of " horses" take the child must be the rules of the board to the " day" word from a pawn " horses, " starting position of the beginning, search out a feasible path, makes the piece" Horse " can be traveled on board all the Lazi, and they can only go once every Lazi point
Platform: | Size: 1885184 | Author: 王军 | Hits:

[Chess Poker gamesHorse-Stepping-on-board

Description: 在传统中国象棋中,马走日型路线。本代码就是按其规则,让马从棋盘任一点开始,输出它可以行走的所有点的坐标。-In traditional Chinese chess, horse go day-type line. The code according to the rules, let the horse from checkerboard any point, the coordinates of all points of output it can walk.
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: 生菜贝贝 | Hits:

[source in ebookhorse

Description: 数据结构实习题目——马踏棋盘,控制台程序,输入初始位置,可按照国际象棋马走棋规则无重复遍历棋盘-Data structure practice problems- horse riding board, console application, enter the initial position, in accordance with the rules of chess horse to go without repeating traversal chessboard chess
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: 郎亚洲 | Hits:

[Game ProgramHorse-Stepping-on-board

Description: 在传统中国象棋中,马走日型路线。本代码就是按其规则,让马从棋盘任一点开始,输出它可以行走的所有点的坐标。-In traditional Chinese chess, horse go day-type line. The code according to the rules, let the horse from checkerboard any point, the coordinates of all points of output it can walk.
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: dprogr | Hits:
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